2 Watchmen posters

Update: We’ve been informed by the studio that the “No More Masks” poster to the left isn’t an official poster but a fake mock up that’s featured in “Watchmen: The Art of the Film” book.

Well, goddamn, new posters for the Zack Snyder directed, Alan Moore adapted WATCHMEN are dropping faster than Christian Bale can go completely apeshit and drop f-bombs. Below, there’s a new poster that the folks at “Trailer Addict” managed to dig up showing masked superhero Rorschach being all brooding and mysterious and an IMAX poster courtesy of the cool peeps at “Splash Page”. Click through for big-sized versions of each. We get to watch the WATCHMEN on March 6th. Unless Bale kills us all by then.



Source: TA, SP

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