Cool Videos: Beauty of Pixar

The internet is pumping out all the mash-up end of the year videos. We have been trying to put up the ones that we think you guys might enjoy.

While our choices may be hit or miss, I really think that “The Beauty of Pixar” will make you happy. Leandro Copperfield who has found internet glory with two other videos, “Kubrick vs Scorsese” and “Tarantino vs Coen Brothers” went the sentimental route this time. Copperfield said this about the video, “This mash-up is a trip in the films of Pixar Animation Studios. Were 11 days re-watching all feature films, selected more than 500 scenes, and a hard work editing. Pixar’s films have always been very important in my life. I was 6 years old when I watched Toy Story the first time, and his films made my childhood more happy. So this video is a personal tribute for, in my opinion, the best animation studio of all time.”

If you see a cool video that you think would be awesome for the site, drop us a line at [email protected].

The Beauty of Pixar from Leandro Copperfield on Vimeo.

Source: The Daily What, Vimeo

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