Cool Videos: What’s the Damage? Die Hard

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

After you’ve seen a movie a million times, what’s left to pick apart? How about the bill for all the damage that a character does throughout a film? The guys over at CinemaSins figured out the numbers, broke out their trusty calculators, and came out with an impressive total. It’s John McClane, what did you expect?

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Did you ever watch a movie and think, “Boy, there is an awful lot of damage being done in this film. I wonder how much there is in total?” Well, we did. So we did some Internet research, and went looking for some kind of financial representation of all the damage done in the movie Die Hard. It was a lot.

What film do you think racked up the most damage? Which film should they do next?

Source: CinemaSins

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