Netflix adds offline playback for phones and tablets

Last Updated on July 31, 2021

There’s been some talk lately of Netflix adding an “offline playback” feature to its streaming service and….well, would you look at that! It’s already here! There’s now an update for iOS and Android devices that will allow you download a number of films and shows that are, surprisingly, not limited to Neflix original content. Check out the ad for the service below!

While I haven’t had a chance to check out the download service for myself, the good folks over at engadget have and reported that this feature is available for every plan and that movies and shows outside of Netflix original content, such as DAZED AND CONFUSED, BOYHOOD and 30 Rock, are available. There’s even an offline content tab so you can quickly look through what’s available to download to your phone or tablet. The one caveat seems to be that the quality is not quite up there with its streaming counterpart, but I’m sure convenience will win out in the end. For those of you always on the move, this looks like a cool way to keep your Netflix experience going!

Source: Engadget

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