New plot details emerge in Interstellar TV spot


INTERSTELLAR opens in little more than a month and so far all the promotional materials have done a pretty great job of keeping the details on Christopher Nolan‘s latest under wraps. While details are still pretty scarce in this latest TV spot, there is some information mentioned regarding the time constraints the crew is working with.  Cue geometrical shape movement!

The line that sticks out for me is the one stating that every hour spent on whatever planet they’re traversing will be seven years back on Earth. Given that time travel is a factor here, I wonder if any of that time lost can be made up. Wormholes are a slippery subject, so it looks like these astronauts have their work cut out for ’em.  Nolan seems to be building a inspiring journey about man and our ability to survive, but I wonder if there really is a happy ending to be found considering the obstacles ahead.

INTERSTELLAR will be released on November 7, 2014.


Source: Paramount Pictures

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