These nine character posters for Frankenweenie are alive! They’re alive! THEY’RE ALIVE!

Frankenweenie simple header

If FRANKENWEENIE has sufficiently sparked your interest by now, then this series of nine character posters is just going to be green icing on the black and white cake for you. If not, then they’re definitely not going to change your mind about Tim Burton or his creations.

Let us know via the comments below in which of the two camps you’ve elected to cast your vote, and those of you mad for this movie can rest assured knowing that FRANKENWEENIE’s reanimation date of October 6th is drawing swiftly closer.

Frankenweenie character poster 1

Frankenweenie character poster 2

Frankenweenie character poster 3

Frankenweenie character poster 4

Frankenweenie character poster 5

Frankenweenie character poster 6

Frankenweenie character poster 7

Frankenweenie character poster 8

Frankenweenie character poster 9

Source: Filmofilia

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