This new concept art for Monsters University gives us a good look at who the monsters used to be

Monsters University concept art title

I’ve always loved Pixar and the work that they do, but to be frank I’m not nearly as excited for MONSTERS UNIVERSITY as I think I could be.  The dramatic tension in a prequels can always be a bit tricky to build because, having seen the first movie, we already know where the story will eventually end up.  And because I do so love the inventiveness constantly on display in Pixar’s films/world creation, I really just wish they’d keep doing original work. 

But maybe that’s merely my selfish opinion.  And MONSTERS UNIVERSITY is happening either way, so let’s take gander at this (admittedly) fun and crisp concept art for the June 21st, 2013 release.  Done through CGI, this art showcases several of the titular monsters back in their titular university days. 

So what do you think about the art? And what do you think about Pixar doing a prequel?

Source: Upcoming Pixar

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