Cool Videos: See The Joker and Donnie Darko in Jokeback Mountain

Well, this may not be cool per se, but most definitely odd.  I’ll leave it up to you to decide.  This is a shot-for-shot “remake” of the pivotal “I wish I knew how to quit you” scene in Ang Lee’s BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, only recast as Heath Ledger’s Joker and Jake Gyllenhaal’s DONNIE DARKO.  It’s a very strange, almost uncomfortable sequence, but does show some creative fun.  I would challenge all you young filmmakers out there to come up with some creative hijinks like this and send ’em our way.  Although we can’t guarantee they’ll all make it into Cool Videos, it’s worth a shot.  Personally, I dig mash-ups, both as satire and homages, so get your cameras out and go make something inventive. 

We’ll be waiting…

Source: You Tube

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