Cool Videos: The Simpsons sphere – 500 episodes at once, 360 degrees


Have you ever dreamed of being able to watch 500 episodes of THE SIMPSONS at once?

No…? Ne neither.

Have you ever wondered what it’d be like to be surrounded by episodes of THE SIMPSONS in every which direction, fully encompassed 360 degrees by the citizens of Springfield?

No…? I’m right with you there, too.

But guess what? Now you can do both of those things anyway, thanks to the creation of the interaction Simpsons sphere. Made by John Hatfield, the Simpsons sphere is a complete immersion by the Simpsons that allows you to click and drag up, down, left and right in order always see only THE SIMPSONS.

It’s a cool visual to check out, if for no other reason than… well, it’s 500 episodes of THE SIMPSONS at the same time, 360 degrees all around. When else are you going to have the chance to saw you experienced that?

Source: YouTube

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