Categories: Movie News

2 More H2 Clips!

The HALLOWEEN 2 media train just keeps on rolling! Yesterday I showed you all what could be considered the first clip from the film as well as an interview with Mr. and Mrs. Rob Zombie. Well today we’ve got TWO, count em two new clips for you all!

The first one comes from over at MSN and can be found by clicking that first screenshot below. Now before you jump the gun and do that let me warn you… that clip contains somewhat of a spoiler. In actuallity there’s no telling what is actually going to happen in the movie but let’s just say one of the main character’s fates might be given away in that video… or it might not. Just a heads up. Aside from that we get Michael getting ready to have his way with some teenagers. Nice.

The second clip can be found over in our videos section and stars the gorgeous Danielle Harris. The scream queen is obviously battling some demons in her head in the clip below only to be chased by the big bad Boogeyman. You can go ahead and scroll down to check that out.

HALLOWEEN 2 hits theaters everywhere in just over a week so be sure to keep it here for any other H2 goodies that head our way!

Published by
Jared Pacheco