Categories: Movie News

3D holographic posters

A company called XYZ RGB has developed what may be the future of film onesheets or what they refer to as “the next-generation movie poster”. They essentially embed three dimensional holograms into a poster, the movements of which loop over a set period of time (usually seconds). In this way, the technology can even be adapted to present short clips on posters. They also apparentkly sent a custom-made 3D holographic TERMINATOR poster to James Cameron for perusal and, considering the uber technogeek that he is, he loved it. So much so, in fact, that we shouldn’t be surprised if 3D holographic posters of both AVATAR and BATTLE ANGEL (and probably all of his subsequent films) appear in theaters across the country. Check out links to a better explanation of the technology and examples of it in action over at AICN HERE.

Published by
Omar Aviles