Categories: Movie News

40 new Spirit pics!

Garth, our main man at Dark Horizons, has posted a whopping 40 exclusive new pics from the upcoming comic adaptation WILL EISNER’S THE SPIRIT. Frank Miller is directing the film in the same style Robert Rodriguez used for SIN CITY so these pics are against the green screen without finished computer effects. THAT SAID…..Wow. I’m insanely disappointed. I’m not feeling any connection to any of this stuff. I get no twinge of excitement at all looking at this stuff. In fact I get a overwhelming sense of dread. I love the Eva Mendes cleavage but what the hell is up with Sam Jackson?? I’ll let you take a look and decide for yourself. You can click on any of the pics to head to Dark Horizons and see the full gallery of pics.

UPDATE – As you may have suspected, Lionsgate has asked us to remove the pics. Since Dark Horizons removed the entire gallery and we’re essentially linking to nothing at this point, we’ll abide. But Samuel L. Jackson’s costume went something like this, only more flamboyant (seriously):

Published by
Mike Sampson