Categories: TV News

5 seconds of Preacher teaser tease will have to do for now

Teasers for teasers are the worst… literally the worst. It’s a glimpse at something that’s coming, but too small to really get much of it and still too much to not be nothing. It’s the cock tease of the modern-day advertising world.

But I know that there are some of you who can’t help yourselves, and need to see whatever you can get your hands on, even if it’s only five seconds.

So I present to you the teaser for the teaser to AMC’s PREACHER (like the rhymes I’m spittin’ there, yo?), with the promise that you can see the full teaser in all of its glory sometime on Sunday night during THE WALKING DEAD. I hope this satisfies you until Sunday, or don’t watch and get your full fill then. The choice is in your hands now.

Published by
Billy Donnelly