Categories: Horror Movie News

6 new character posters for Lars von Trier’s Melancholia hit the planet

Good thing our man C.Bum had good things to say about Lars von Trier’s MELANCHOLIA last week, I was starting to get the impression it might be a colossal art-house flop, TWIXT style. Not that it’ll appeal broadly, but at least it sounds more watchable than ANTICHRIST. Know what I’m sayin’…

Anyway, a sextet of character banners for the film have been unrolled by Empire. Not only is von Trier featured, so are Kirsten Dunst, Alexander Skarsgard, Charlotte Gainsbourg, John Hurt and Keifer Sutherland. And you know what…for a bunch of people looking up at the sky toward an invading planet…they don’t seem all that melancholic. What gives?

Crashing the Earth November 11th, Justine and Michael are celebrating their marriage at a sumptuous party in the home of her sister and brother-in-law. Meanwhile, the planet, Melancholia, is heading towards Earth… MELANCHOLIA is a psychological disaster movie from director Lars von Trier.

Published by
Jake Dee