Categories: Movie Reviews

A Nightmare On Elm Street: Dream Warriors

Review Date:
Director: Chuck Russell
Writer: Wes Craven, Frank Darabont, Chuck Russell, Bruce Wagner
Producers: Robert Shaye
Patricia Arquette as Kristen Parker, Robert Englund as Freddy Kreuger, Heather Langenkamp as Nancy Thompson, Laurence Fishburne as Max
Freddy Krueger is haunting the dreams of the remaining children from the famous Elm Street. The kids are afraid to fall asleep, and are placed in a medical facility for evaluation. Unfortunately for them, the nightmares continue, as Krueger continues to exact his revenge on the kin of the people who torched him alive many years ago.
Enjoyable enough for a horror/fantasy film. This movie never bored me at any point, and has many cool scenes featuring violent and gross deaths. This is the film that made Freddy cool, and distanced the film from the real horror flic genre, while simultaneously approaching the kitchy fantasy realm. Patricia Arquette is perfect as the shrieking victim, and the rest of the cast is adequate as the stereotypical misfits wrestling with their unexplained bad dreams.

This movie explains more of the reason why Freddy became what he has become, and adds some pretty neat special effects (the first death at the hands of the “Freddy puppet” is by far the coolest). Having said that, some of the effects near the end of the film are horrible (when Freddy’s bones “come alive”), and the movie never really terrifies you, more than anything, it grosses you out! Fun stuff if you’re sitting around the house on a dark Saturday night, looking for a flic to give you the heebie-jeebies.

(c) 2021 Berge Garabedian

A Nightmare On Elm Street: Dream Warriors


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