Categories: Movie Trailers

A pair of fresh Daredevil trailers herald the show’s premiere this Friday

I've been staying cautiously optimistic about Marvel Entertainment's first foray into the Netflix realm with Daredevil, but word on the street is that this show is going to be the real deal. If you're interested in more details, you can check out our spoiler-free review of the show's first episode here (with the next review to hit Friday), but for now, Netflix has released two trailers that give us the longest look yet into Matt Murdock's world.

Is it me, or was Vincent D'Onofrio born to play the Kingpin? The actors are all spot-on as far as I'm concerned, but that man looks like he can start some serious shit! It takes a lot for a comic book property to win me over on the small screen, but I'm hoping that Daredevil does just that. With Daredevil hitting Friday and Game of Thrones starting back up on Sunday, it looks like my weekend is set!

Daredevil's 13-episodes will hit this Friday, April 10th.

Published by
Sean Wist