Categories: Horror Movie News

A really weird Dark Skies info-graphic hits the web

A few days ago we brought you the UK trailer for DARK SKIES, the new supernatural movie directed by Scott Stewart (PRIEST) and produced by Blumhouse Productions (PARANORMAL ACTIVITY). If you’re a fan of viral marketing then what follows will be a treat for you. Dimension Films released today a really weird Dark Skies info-graphic about strange happenings that goes back to 1816! Surreal.

Maybe this is just another publicity trick to make you run to the multiplexes on February 22nd or maybe this info-graphic (below) has more clues to know what the hell is doing Felicity (Keri Russell) in this movie, who knows?

Keri Russell and Josh Hamilton stars in the upcoming alien horror thriller, that according to the info-graphic, has to do with summer-less years, birds committing suicide, missing boats and marfa lights (whatever the f*ck that means).

What do you think about this info-graphic? Does it tell you something?

Published by
Lizandro Melean