Categories: Movie News

Alden Ehrenreich may wind up being that young Han Solo

Alden Ehrenreich may turn out to be the actor who is handed the giant responsibility of following Harrison Ford in Han Solo's shoes. 

According to Deadline, Ehrenreich has emerged as the frontrunner at the moment to play the beloved smuggler in a future STAR WARS standalone, after wowwing with his latest screen test. It wasn't too long ago that the contender field seemed to be pared down considerably from the wide-spread search among basically anyone who had a decent agent. Taron Egerton and Jack Reynor were in the mix under serious consideration as well, but it sounds like Ehrenreich may be the guy they are narrowing in on.

Everyone is hush-hush on how the casting process is shaking out, having been extremely thorough with their search process in order to fit the right fit, but let's just say Disney, Lucasfilm and directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller are extremely high on Ehrenreich right now. Granted, things could change in a moment's notice, but Ehrenreich is looking rather good for a smuggler's life currently.

The young Han Solo film is planned for a May 25th, 2018 release.

Published by
Billy Donnelly