Categories: Horror Movie News

Alicia Vikander is our new Lara Croft!

For a while, the rumor mill surrounding the upcoming reboot of TOMB RAIDER had implied that STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS lead actress Daisy Ridley would step into the boots (and braid) of Lara Croft, but the official announcement has dashed those rumors to pieces. Our new Lara Croft is now officially indie darling Alicia Vikander!

Vikander had a crazy year last year. She starred in the sci-fi gem EX MACHINA and won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in THE DANISH GIRL, so she's doing alright for herself. Her groundswell of success is allowing her access to bigger blockbuster roles. In addition to TOMB RAIDER, she will also be appearing in JASON BOURNE this summer opposite Matt Damon.

There are no official plot details yet, though sources report that a new draft of the script was just completed. Roar Uthaug, the Norwegian genre auteur behind COLD PREY and THE WAVE, will be helming the project. More on this as details are revealed!

Published by
Brennan Klein