Categories: Movie News

AMC theaters have started to pre-sell Dark Knight Rises tickets in select cities

not sure how many of you are looking forward to THE DARK KNIGHT RISES this
summer ( I jest), but apparently someone over at the AMC cinema offices
picked up on the fact that fanboys like to get in on movie screenings as
early as possible, as they have started to sell opening night midnight
screening tickets in a handful of major cities across the country already,
according to SlashFilm.
For now, the tickets seem limited to cities like San Francisco, New York
and Los Angeles, but let’s see how this plays out.

As it turns out, some AMC theater managers polled some
fanboys back in December of 2011, when they were showing the 6-minute
prologue from TDKR before the IMAX showing of MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST
PROTOCOL, and it turns out that many of them claimed to be interested in
purchasing TDKR tickets way in advance (seriously folks, how did nobody
pick up on this before today??
). Needless to say, the midnight
showings in those cities were sold out in an instant, even though the film
technically won’t be released until July 20th. So you see fanboys… we can
make a difference in the world of movies. The image above is a picture of
an early New York TDKR ticket purchase. Do you like this new option to buy
tickets early?

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