Categories: Horror Movie News

American Horror Story season ?6 is purposely holding off on the theme reveal

So, it turns out that the question mark in the advertising for American Horror Story season ?6 is more than just an obnoxious piece of grammar that trips up poor, innocent horror news writers. It's a theme in and of itself. Instead of announcing basically the plot of the entire season ahead of time, Ryan Murphy and Co. have decided that the theme of the new season will not be announced until the actual premiere.

Says FX CEO John Landgraf:

Ryan decided it would be really fun to keep it a surprise, so we are not doing the reveal. The marketing team went out and made trailers for hypothetical seasons of American Horror Story. One of them is accurate and the others are all misdirects.

Of the six promos released to promote the show, only one of them represents the true theme. They're all embedded below. See if you can guess which one!

Lady Gaga, Kathy Bates, Denis O’Hare, Angela Bassett, Sarah Paulson, Finn Wittrock, Wes Bentley, Cheyenne Jackson, Leslie Jordan, and Matt Bomer star in American Horror Story: ?6, which will begin airing on FX on September 14th.

Published by
Brennan Klein