Categories: Horror Movie News

American Horror Story seasons are all connected, according to Ryan Murphy

I’ll be upfront: I haven’t really watched “American Horror Story” since the second season, so I can’t have much comment on the following news, other than I guess it’s actually pretty cool: every season of the FX show is connected in some way to the other. This has been apparent in subtle ways throughout, but it was made clearer than ever last week, when it was announced Lily Rabe (pictured above) would be appearing as the same character she portrayed on “Asylum.” (Of course, “Pepper” is another connective thread.)

But in case you still have doubts, the show’s creator Ryan Murphy is setting the record straight, letting it be known that there is indeed a shared universe going on in the world of “American Horror Story.”

I don’t want to say much about it but obviously she’s playing Sister Mary Eunice. The interesting thing about doing a show like this is every season is incredibly its own story and its own beginning, middle and end. Its own journey. But we have always from the very beginning in the intertwining mythologies and how things connect. This is the first year where we begin to tell you that season two is connected to season four which is connected to season one. People have started to write articles about that. A lot of their hypotheses have been completely right on. That’s the fun of the show. Hopefully by the end of the run, be it 10 years or 15 years, people will be able to stand back and be able to say, “Oh that was connected to x.”

There’s definitely a rhyme or a reason and a connectedness to all of these seasons, but in the same way, they’re standalones, which is the fun of it. But it is a puzzle. And Lily coming back and dealing with Pepper is sort of the first unveiling of that connectedness. She’s so great in that role, Lily. I understood she wanted to go off and do her own show. But I was thrilled she was able to come back and give us a couple days and show how Sister Mary Eunice and Pepper are connected and how it’s all connected. I’m glad she’s back in the habit!”

Food for thought, AHS fans. Are there any other obvious connections between the seasons that you’ve spotted?

Published by
Eric Walkuski