Categories: Horror Movie News

Among the Sleep is a game that will scare the bejesus out of you!

Video Games are a form of art and classics like SILENT HILL and PHANTASMAGORIA left me with nightmares for a long time. AMONG THE SLEEP sounds like it will produce the same effect on me (and hopefully on you) and is going to be released later this year via Krillbrite Studios for PC and Mac according to Kotaku.

The game is really twisted. Your character is a two year old child (which makes the whole damn thing even creepier) and according to the press release it goes like this: “After being put to bed one evening, mysterious things start to happen. Being played in first person, the game let its players immerse themselves in a child’s limitless imagination. This is a perspective we all have a distant familiarity with, but few can clearly remember what it felt like. In the borderland between dream and reality, surreal creatures and diverse environments will present you with both physical and mental obstacles that challenge your creativity.”

You can learn more about the game (and download cool wallpapers) on the official AMONG THE SLEEP website. Although the protagonist is an infant, this game is intended for mature audiences only, (my kind of game) and it will feature grotesque violence. I don’t know about you but I’m doing the line to buy this sucker as soon as it comes available. Meanwhile you can lick your eyes with these screenshots.

Published by
Lizandro Melean