Categories: Movie News

Amy Adams to star with Muppets, Matt Damon or Chris Pine?

If there was ever an actress born to play the female lead in a Cameron Crowe movie, I submit Amy Adams and star in a Cameron Crowe movie she just may. Or she may not…

Adams is wanted by three films heading into production, one being Crowe’s next film WE BOUGHT A ZOO, which already has Matt Damon set to star with the others being Jason Segel’s THE GREATEST MUPPET MOVIE OF ALL-TIME and finally the Chris Pine drama WELCOME TO PEOPLE. With all due respect to Pine, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, I’m much less interested in seeing Adams in PEOPLE than I am in either of the other two films and it seems the same could be said for Adams herself.

According to Entertainment Weekly, the MUPPET movie looks to be winning the charge for Adams’ services, as she’s already entered into talks with Disney to star in the film. But she’s also in discussions for ZOO and the holdup currently seems to be whether they can make the schedules work so that she can star in both films.

For MUPPET, Adams would star as Mary, the elementary school teacher and girlfriend of main character Gary (yes, Gary and Mary). They, along with puppet Walter, take off for Los Angeles to visit Muppet Studios. The role, as written, isn’t huge and is even winked at in the film (“I feel like I’ve just disappeared for the last thirty minutes of the movie”). Hopefully Disney and Fox can work it out so Adams can star in two movies that would be perfect for Amy Adams.

Published by
Mike Sampson