Categories: Movie Trailers

Amy Schumer wrestles with monogamy in Judd Apatow’s Trainwreck trailer

UPDATE: Red-band trailer added below.

It may surprise you to learn that Judd Apatow's latest directed film is the first not to be written by the man, but instead but comedian Amy Schumer who also stars in the flick. The story revolves around Amy, who excels pretty well in every aspect of her life except when it comes to her significant others. That all changes when she meets Aaron (Bill Hader) who freaks her the eff out when she discovers that he might be up for more than a one-night fling.

I think Apatow is a great for finding some of the more human qualities in any given comedy, but often loses focus and lets things drag on for far too long. The fact that he's directing from someone else's material excites me, and TRAINWRECK boasts a hell of a cast that includes (but is not limited to) Bill Hader, Tilda Swinton, Brie Larson, Colin Quinn, John Cena, LeBron James and even Method Man. Something tells me that those unfamiliar with Amy Schumer will be sitting up and taking notice after this flick hits theaters this summer.

TRAINWRECK will be released in theaters on July 17, 2015.

Published by
Sean Wist