Categories: Horror Movie News

Anchor Bay & Epic Pictures go for a ride in Old 37, starring Kane Hodder

The Kane Hodder and Bill Moseley-starring psychoslasher OLD 37 has partnered with Anchor Bay Entertainment Canada and Epic Pictures Group for the film’s North American distribution. Anchor Bay Entertainment Canada will be handling the Canadian market, while Epic’s growing distribution division, Epic Pictures Releasing, will be handling the United States. In other words, prepare for some red lights and screams of terror because OLD 37 is coming!

OLD 37 is the last ambulance ride you’ll ever take. In it, two brothers (Hodder, Moseley) intercept 911 calls in an old ambulance to perform medical crimes upon their unlucky victims.

After losing her father and best friend in less than a year, wallflower Amy decides she won’t watch life pass her by one more day. Taking cues from her flawlessly sexy neighbor Brooke, Amy attempts to flirt with her muscle car driving boyfriend, Jason. Ever the mean girl, Brooke vindictively takes it upon herself to remind Amy just how insignificant she is in this world. With the help of her nurse Mother, Amy goes under the knife. Now a dead ringer for Brooke, Amy makes her move for Jason.

Meanwhile, deep down the forgotten stretches of back road where the cool kids race their cars, two deranged brothers, Darryl and Jon Roy intercept 911 calls in their father’s beat up old ambulance to exact medical atrocities on victims. When a careless car accident befalls Brooke and Jason, Amy gets caught in the fallout. Amy always wanted her neighbor’s life, but she may get her neighbor’s fate.

The film also stars Brandi Cyrus, Caitlin Harris, Olivia Alexander, Maxwell Zagorski, Maggie Keane Williams, Ben Schneider, Mindy White, Sascha Knopf and more. We'll hit you guys with a release date once we get it!

Published by
Ryan Miller