Categories: Movie Trailers

Angel Has Fallen trailer finds Gerard Butler on the run from the law

In 2013, Gerard Butler protected the president of the United States from invading forces who attacked the White House in OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN. In 2016 he protected the president again when other invading forces attacked again, but this time they did it to *checks notes* all of London in LONDON HAS FALLEN. Now this time the script is flipped, and in the new trailer for ANGEL HAS FALLEN Butler is on the run after he's framed and hunted by the government he once spent so much time saving while all those other things were falling.


Changing things up from the last movies, Butler's Mike Banning will be on the run after he's framed for an assassination attempt on the president's life, this time around played by Morgan Freeman as Allan Trumbull, the vice president in the last movie. There's plenty of action here that Butler fans can expect, although the actor did once say this outing is to the other movies what LOGAN was to past movies with Wolverine, in that they tried to change up the style and approach. The movie looks more TAKEN 3 than LOGAN, but still, it's a cool change of pace than, say, having another city fall with Butler there to save everyone. 

Here's the synopsis:

When there is an assassination attempt on U.S. President Allan Trumbull (Morgan Freeman), his trusted confidant, Secret Service Agent Mike Banning (Gerard Butler), is wrongfully accused and taken into custody. After escaping from capture, he becomes a man on the run and must evade his own agency and outsmart the FBI in order to find the real threat to the President. Desperate to uncover the truth, Banning turns to unlikely allies to help clear his name, keep his family from harm and save the country from imminent danger.

ANGEL HAS FALLEN also stars Danny Huston, Michael Landes, Tim Blake Nelson, Nick Nolte, Piper Perabo, Jada Pinkett Smith and Lance Reddick and is in theaters August 23.

Published by
Matt Rooney