Categories: Movie News

Anitchrist one sheet

A while back, we got to see the trailer for Lars von Trier’s ANTICHRIST. It looked suitably disturbing, but nothing crazy ridiculous (except for one Willem Dafoe sex-against-a-tree moment). But if you believe this new poster, it’s the most f*cked up movie…in history!

There are a few versions of the ANTICHRIST poster over at IMPawards, but this all-text one is probably the most telling. It features quotes raving about how truly twisted the film is, though movies that feature “strong real sex, bloody violence and self-mutlilation will not reach us very easily over here in the states. IFC has picked up the film for extremely limited release in the US on October 23rd, so find your local art theater and try to forget all about SAW this Halloween.

Click on the poster for more versions over at IMPawards.

Published by
Paul Tassi