Categories: Horror Movie News

Anonymous scribe John Orloff set to pen Battlestar Galactica for Bryan Singer

You guys are aware that Bryan Singer has a flick planned based on “Battlestar Galactica,” right? Well he does. And according to The Hollywood Reporter’s Heat Vision blog Singer just found himself a screenwriter!

It seems ANONYMOUS scribe John Orloff is in talks with Universal regarding the task of penning BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. Based on the classic 70s version of “Galactica,” the new adaptation’s rundown will read something like this:

The movie is relaunching the story of far-flung humans searching for a long-lost colony on a planet named Earth while being chased by a race of robots known as Cylons.

Sounds good to me. I was never into “Galactica” but I know this thing has got one monster of a following so I hope you “Galactica” fans out there are down for this.

Now that Singer is just about wrapped up with JACK THE GIANT KILLER I would guess we’ll be hearing more BATTLESTAR GALACTICA updates in the coming weeks so be sure to check back for those as they come our way.

Published by
Jared Pacheco