Categories: Movie Trailers

Another Wolfcop trailer brings more blood, guns, and donuts

Several years ago a little Canadian horror-comedy by the name of WOLFCOP was released which centered around an alcoholic cop from the small town of Woodhaven who transforms into a werewolf after being cursed. It was bloody, sleazy, and exceptionally silly — all ingredients which made it a hell of a fun time. WOLFCOP was hardly a perfect film, but it proved to be popular enough to warrant a sequel, so here we are. ANOTHER WOLFCOP finds Lou Garou springing back into action when an eccentric businessman with evil intentions seduces Woodhaven’s residents with a new brewery and hockey team. Yep, it's Canadian alright. Check out the trailer for ANOTHER WOLFCOP below and bask in the insanity!

If you loved the first film, I'd bet that you'll love ANOTHER WOLFCOP as well. It seems to offer pretty much everything that the first film did, just…a whole lot more of it, plus a Kevin Smith cameo. ANOTHER WOLFCOP debuted at Fantastic Fest last year, but will next be seen at the Fantasia Film Festival in Montreal, which runs from July 13th to August 2nd. If you're still not sold on ANOTHER WOLFCOP, take a gander at this superb COBRA-style poster. I want that on my wall.

Published by
Kevin Fraser