Categories: Horror Movie News

Apollo 18 pushed all the way to next year; Piranha 3DD moves to Thanksgiving

In addition to announcing that they’re getting into the video game business, The Weinstein Company today found the time to make a couple of release date moves, one minor and one fairly major.

APOLLO 18, which the company has seemingly been unsure what to do with, has been booted out of its APRIL 22nd slot all the way to JANUARY 6, 2012. Pretty massive shift. Let’s not forget that it was made quite hastily (it only went into production back in December) and has bounced around the calendar once or twice already. It never made sense for them to release it ONE week after their other horror flick, SCREAM 4, so I guess I can understand putting some distance between the two. Turns out that viral marketing BS they’ve already put us through was all for naught.

Meanwhile, the company has also pushed PIRANHA 3DD from it’s SEPTEMBER 16th release date to NOVEMBER 23rd. Right, just where a cheesy horror movie that takes place during the summer should be: the holiday season, where genre movies go to die. (The company released THE MIST on Thanksgiving a few years ago; it made $8 million on its opening weekend, on its way to a paltry $25 million domestic gross.)

The Weinsteins are bloody notorious for screwing with their films; release date changes really just come with the territory when you’re dealing with them. Shockingly, SCREAM 4 has held onto its APRIL 15th spot thus far. I guess there’s still some time to shift it…

Published by
Eric Walkuski