Categories: Movie News

Armie Hammer’s number is up for 2:22

I guess playing two parts in an Oscar should-have-won film goes a long way, and after being both halves of the Winklevoss twins, Armie Hammer is watching his career take off.

He’s already linked to one of the two new SNOW WHITE movies and also THE LONE RANGER, and now he’s adding a new project to the list. He’s signed on to 2:22, a psychological thriller from director Paul Currie.

Strange title, so what happens at 2:22?

It’s a “rollercoaster thriller that centers on Dylan (Hammer) an air traffic controller who is given a jolt when he narrowly escapes being responsible for a mid air collision between two passenger planes. Caused by a mysterious blinding light that happened at 2:22, these strange occurrences continue and lead Dylan to meet Sarah, with whom he feels inexplicably linked. Together the two discover uncanny similarities with their current predicament and a double murder committed a generation ago. With a grim fate looming, Dylan must solve the mystery of 2:22 to preserve a love whose second chance has finally come.”

Sort of sounds interesting, sort of sounds like THE NUMBER 23, but hopefully it will pan out into something worthwhile.

Published by
Paul Tassi