Categories: Movie Trailers

Army of Thieves: New Trailer; Hans Zimmer to score

Fresh off the success of Army of the Dead, Netflix has unveiled an all-new trailer for Matthias Schweighöfer’s prequel, Army of Thieves, which takes place before that Zack Snyder zombie epic. A straight-up heist movie rather than a zombie film, Netflix unveiled the second full trailer for the movie at their huge Tudum event. But that’s not all, they revealed that perhaps the world’s greatest living film composer, Hans Zimmer, has signed on to do the score, something which, as it was revealed in the presentation, made Schweighöfer cry. Zimmer was apparently inclined to do it due to the fact that he and Schweighöfer happen to both be Germans! 

Coming out October 29th (just in time for Halloween despite the change of genres), Schweighöfer seemed psyched about this when I interviewed him a few months ago, while he was promoting Army of the Dead

As per the official Netflix synopsis

After charming audiences as the wisecracking hero Dieter in Zack Snyder’s zombie blockbuster Army of the Dead, Matthias Schweighöfer takes centerstage in the film’s prequel, which he also directs. Ditching the undead, Army of Thieves puts a modern spin on classic heist films with European flair and an unlikely love story. Produced by Snyder and co-starring Nathalie Emmanuel (the Fast and the Furious franchise), Army of Thieves chronicles the harrowing adventures that transformed Dieter from a sheepish German bank teller named Sebastian into the badass safe-cracker who became a fan-favorite character in Army of the Dead.

Sebastian’s impassioned YouTube videos about the fabled safes designed by the locksmith Hans Wagner (Christian Steyer) catch the eye of Gwendoline (Nathalie Emmanuel), a beguiling career criminal whose take-no-prisoners exterior belies a desire to love and be loved. To Dieter’s shock, Gwen enlists him to be part of her motley crew of some of Interpol’s most wanted: the jack-of-all-trades Korina (Ruby O. Fee), rugged bad boy Brad (Stuart Martin), and getaway sidekick Rolph (Guz Khan). As the five misfits zigzag across Europe cracking a trio of impenetrable vaults known as the Ring Cycle — Das Rheingold, the Valkyrie, and the Siegfried — French law-enforcement officials Delacroix (Jonathan Cohen) and Beatrix (Noémie Nakai) are hot on their trail. Anchored by a simmering romance between Dieter and Gwen, Army of Thieves broadens the scope of Snyder’s Army Universe while staying true to its vision as its own movie.

Published by
Chris Bumbray