Categories: Movie News

Arnie’s Expendable!

Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Mickey Rourke, Dolph Lundgren and now…Arnold goddamn Schwarzenegger? Is Sly kidding with this overload of awesomeness? (apparently not, Danny Trejo was just added according to Latino Review) According to “AICN”, that’s a big fat NO. What the hell is all this babbling, you say? Well. Harry & co. are reporting that ole Arnie will be putting in a cameo in Stallone’s upcoming mercenary actioner THE EXPENDABLES as…himself. That’s right, Stallone’s character and the Governor of California have some kinda connection, apparently, so we may not get to see Arnie kill the shit out of South American bad guys but let’s just keep our fingers crossed. They also report that Ben Kingsley has been replaced in the film by Eric Roberts and that Mickey Rourke has officially signed on. This movie may just be a little too much awesome for people to handle.

Published by
Omar Aviles