Categories: Movie News

Around the Watercooler: Scott Pilgrim, Roger Ebert and more!

In this new weekly column we take a look at some of the hot conversations currently taking place around the virtual watercooler in the JOBLO.COM FORUMS. Each week we’ll present you with some new conversations that you can jump in quickly and participate in. Heck, it may even inspire you to create your own conversation. Here’s what people are talking about this week…

“What is your favorite film you don’t own?”

“I was watching Saving Private Ryan on TV the other day and wondered to myself, ‘why have i never bought this?’ I watch it everytime I notice it is on TV and don’t think I could ever get bored of it.”

“Movies That Begin With the End”

“I am interested in finding more films that start with the ending, or a throwback to the ending etc.”

“People with Dumb Reasons for Liking/Hating Movies”

“There’s no such thing as a right or wrong opinion, but am I wrong to think that people should be able to back up their opinion in at least a quasi-comprehensible manner? You should always be able to cite something; a performance, a particular scene, elements of the script, that gives people some idea of why you feel the way you say you do.”

“Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World”

“I gotta say that this is probably my most anticipated movie this year.”

“Roger Ebert on Oprah – Did you watch?”

“The big surprise was hearing Roger’s actual voice in his new technology on his computer. It sounds incredible and it was an emotional moment.”

“Blockbuster (quietly) brings late fees back”

“Beginning March 1, the new-release movie rental period for $4.99 titles has been reduced to five days. Afterwards, a $1 per day late fee will be applied, for up to 10 days (thus capped to $10).”

“Your top 10 favorite tracks from movie scores”

“Well, here’s mine, if you’re into movie scores as I am you really should check them out…”

“How frustrating is it when good friends hate a film you KNOW is good!?!”

“How frustrating/annoying is it when good friends, whom you hang out with, respect, smoke and drink with, laugh etc. even talk movies and music with and really respect their opinion on things, usually agreeing with them on many topics, turn around and tell you that movie X which you personally love and know is fantastic (that feeling of knowing it, deep in your core) sucks and is a terrible film?”

“Two Lead Developers from Infinity Ward dismissed”

“The future is uncertain for the Modern Warfare series. Here’s hoping IW jumps ship from Acitivision.”

Published by
Mike Sampson