Categories: Movie News

SPOILERS: Avengers Assemble, asshole. A battle is brewing at the Evil Lair of the Motherf*cker in this clip from Kick-Ass 2

So I’m being told that this clip, which I already figured out is a bit spoilery. It’s actually pissed off quite a few people on the internetz because it’s basically a massive scene that for some reason became the first clip from the film. Not to mention it gives away a huge plot point. That said, those of you who don’t want this clip from KICK-ASS 2 to spoil the entire movie should just move along.

Here’s your warning before I start talking about it.


This clip is the beginning of a huge fight between Kick-Ass and Hit Girl’s gang– Justice Forever and The Motherf*cker’s gang– Toxic Mega C*nts. That sounds gross. There’s also a big reveal on the part of Kick-Ass that you may not want to hear. Let’s just say there are 3 huge things here that you may not want to hearing or see. There’s not much more I can tell you. Watch at your own risk if you so dare.

Published by
Niki Stephens