Categories: Movie News

AVP2 video interview

Hicks from pointed us in the direction of an interview with ALIEN VS. PREDATOR 2 co-directors Colin and Greg Strause conducted by “Dailies”, a show on a cable channel I’ve never heard of (but that you may have if you live in certain parts of New York, West Virginia, Florida, or Minnesota, according to their site) called ReelzChannel. Touching on subjects like how AVP2 will compare to ALIEN and ALIENS (not to mention the first AVP) and the first-time feature director siblings’ filmmaking background, the piece doesn’t reveal too much about the film that hasn’t been said elsewhere but I suppose it’s worth checking out if you have a spare few minutes. Most note-worthy (and positive): the movie, unlike the first one, is rated R, and the Strauses say they are doing as much in-camera practical effects as possible despite their visual effect artist backgrounds. You can check out the interview below. AVP2 hits theaters December 21st.

Published by
Jonathan Frey