Categories: JoBlo Originals

Awesome Artists We’ve Found Around The Net: Patrick Brown


For years, Awesome Art We've Found Around The Net has been about two things only – awesome art and the artists that create it. With that in mind, we thought why not take the first week of the month to showcase these awesome artists even more? Welcome to “Awesome Artist We’ve Found Around The Net." In this column, we are focusing on one artist and the awesome art that they create, whether they be amateur, up and coming, or well established. The goal is to uncover these artists so even more people become familiar with them. We ask these artists a few questions to see their origins, influences, and more. If you are an awesome artist or know someone that should be featured, feel free to contact me at any time at month we are very pleased to bring you the awesome art of… 

Patrick Brown

Patrick Brown is an Australian artist living in Tasmania. For the past ten years, he has been creating fan art for his online gallery. This has led to opportunities in numerous magazines, including The Official Playstation Magazine and ImagineFX, as well as companies such as IO Interactive, Naughty Dog, and CD Projekt Red/DeviantART. In early 2015, his Guardians of the Galaxy piece caught the eye of Marvel Comics. Ever since then he has been working for Marvel on several projects, including promotional art for Marvel's Spider-Man animated series, Guardians of the Galaxy promo character art, The Avengers art, and much more soon to come. Brown says, "I feel extremely lucky to have this in my life, and I live every day with so much appreciation for it, it's a lot of fun!"

Working for Marvel has allowed Brown the ability to quit his full-time job as a graphic designer and work from home creating art. Brown explains that "It was a scary leap of faith but it has all worked out. It has now been over six years and the demand for work just keeps getting higher, and the projects getting bigger." Brown further noted, "I really want to help new and upcoming artists understand that nothing is impossible and nothing is too hard to accomplish. As long as you do what you love, and share your art so the world can see, you can really reach some unbelievable goals."

JoBlo: What got you started as an artist?

Brown: I first started for fun as a kid, I would draw so much, it was always just a comfortable thing for me and very enjoyable. Combine my art with my love of video games and I just started creating fan art as an adult. So video games and movies played a big part in getting me started, I just always wanted to draw what I loved playing or seeing.

Who were some of your favorite artists growing up?

Humberto Ramos was one of my first inspirations, his Spider-man comics amazed me. And also the art style of the Grand Theft Auto games, I'm not sure of the artist there, but those pushed me to try digital art, I'd try and do the same style of San Andreas when that was big, lots of fun.

Who do you really dig these days, follow on Instagram?

I really enjoy following Stanley Lau, and Stephen Byrne is a great artist to follow. Also, Jude Devir is a cool artist and I love what he and his wife do, lots of funny relatable art posts.

What advice would you have for budding artists today?

The best advice I can give, just do lots of cool and interesting art and share it with the world, whether it's on Instagram or DevianART, get it out there, build a following and opportunities will find you. 

What should we be looking out for from you in the future?

Currently, I'm working hard on my Patreon and trying to build that up, so I've been putting out a lot of new artwork, I've got plenty to come too. I'm also doing a bunch of tutorials, new ones every Friday, and plenty of other fun perks.

Being a fansite, we have to ask you… What are some of your favorite movies/TV shows of all time?

Favorite movies: Terminator 1+2, Predator, Planet of the Apes trilogy, Alien franchise, Mad Max Fury Road, District 9, All of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, and plenty more. Favorite games: The whole Grand Theft Auto franchise, Red Dead Redemption 1+2, Spider-man PS4, the Fallout games, The Last of Us 1+2, all Uncharted, God of War, The Witcher. Favorite TV shows: Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Stranger Things, Black Mirror, Dexter.

Scroll down to check out some of our favorite art pieces from Mr. Brown as we continue to follow his journey across his Website and social media hubs: PatreonInstagram / Facebook / SkillShare.




God of War

Guardians of the Galaxy

Hellboy vs. The Witcher

The Last of Us

The Mandalorian 

Marvel Villians




Video Game Legends

The Walking Dead

The Witcher


Published by
Theodore Bond