Categories: Movie News

Bacon tastes Super

I’ve been looking forward to James Gunn following his wonderfully sticky SLITHER, and it sounds like he’s mixing that movie’s messy sensibilities with the kind of R-rated superhero satire he came up with in THE SPECIALS.

His currently filming mega-violent action-comedy SUPER stars Rainn Wilson (“The Office”) as an everyday dude who becomes a superhero to defend his lady (Liv Tyler), with the help of a kooky sidekick (Ellen Page).

And now he has a nemesis: the link to all mankind, Kevin Bacon.

Bacon will play “Jacques, a smooth-talking drug dealer who steals the wife of an average guy played by Wilson, causing the latter to become a one-man crime-fighting force known as The Crimson Bolt.”

While Bacon has displayed an aptitude for scumbaggery in the past (THE RIVER WILD, HOLLOW MAN), he’ll be an accessible lowlife in this one, according to Gunn: “Kevin Bacon is one of the few actors nimble enough to give life to Jacques, our supervillain with a nice streak. We need to love Jacques even while he’s doing horrible things – Kevin is one of the only actors I know who can pull that off.” 

Published by
Dave Davis