Categories: Movie News

Bad ass clip from The Expendables 2 features Bruce, Sly, and Arnold going head-to-head with a villainous Van Damme

There’s nothing quite like seeing Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, and Bruce Willis all firing off some semi-automatic weapons at Jean Claude Van Damme.  And thanks to this clip from THE EXPENDABLES 2 you can experience a little slice of retro action heaven.  As short as the clip is, it kind of personifies what the ’80’s action film was all about; nonsensical excess.  And it was a beautiful thing.

I’ll be back:

And, I’m back.  Very cool stuff, indeed.  We all know this film isn’t going to redefine cinema, but hopefully it can reinvigorate a lost genre, if even a little.  Nowadays, action stars typically take aim with their shots, instead of shooting from the hip in a crowded airport with people running everywhere, but c’mon…these old guys spend a lot of time at the range, right? 

Directed by Simon West, THE EXPENDABLES 2 stars Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Dolph Lundgren, Terry Crews, Jet Li, Chuck Norris, Randy Couture, Liam Hemsworth, Scott Adkins, Nan Yu, and Jean Claude Van Damme. 

THE EXPENDABLES 2 is on like Donkey Kong this Friday, August 17, 2012.

Published by
Paul Shirey