Categories: Movie News

Banderas, Tatum also getting Knocked Out by Soderbergh

Last week we got a heaping helping of casting info from Steven Soderbergh’s KNOCKOUT as Michael Fassbender, Ewan McGregor, Dennis Quaid and Michael Douglas all joined the cast. Well now from the same source over at The Playlist, we hear it’s expanding even more as Channing Tatum has signed up, and Antonio Banderas is a pen flick away from coming onboard as well.

Tatum will have a small part as a soldier (surprise!) who is a part of protagonist Mallory Kane’s elite unit (a role filled by the super hot MMA fighter-but-not-so-much-an-actress-yet, Gina Carano) and if Banderas signs up, he’ll be the head of Kane’s unit and one of the film’s main villains.

Providing Carano isn’t a complete flop in her acting debut (even during American Gladiators I heard her utter no more than one sentence the entire season), this is shaping up to be a pretty epic action adventure. Hopefully it will live up to its cast, and Soderbergh will be able to relive his OCEAN’S and TRAFFIC glory days.

Published by
Paul Tassi