Categories: Horror Movie News

Ben Affleck joins Robert Rodriguez’s big-budget thriller Hypnotic

It was just a few days ago that we passed along word that SIN CITY and PLANET TERROR writer-director Robert Rodriguez is heading back to the big screen with a big-budget action thriller going by the title HYPNOTIC. And today we've learned that none other than The Batman himself Ben Affleck has signed on to take the lead as

a detective who becomes entangled in a mystery involving his missing daughter and a secret government program, while investigating a string of impossible high-end heists. 

Rodriguez scripted the movie with Max Borenstein (KONG: SKULL ISLAND). The budgeted is said to be around $60 million-$80 million. Studio 8 and Solstice Studios will produce the film, with Solstice spearheading U.S. distribution and international sales, and Studio 8 retaining the option to co-finance. Rodriguez, Jeff Robinov, Guy Danella, and John Graham will produce. Evidently Rodriguez and company are trying to accommodate Affleck’s busy schedule and plan to start filming in April 2020. How excited are you to see Rodriguez and Affleck team-up? Make sure to let us know below!

SIDE NOTE: In a fun bit of trivia, Robert Rodriguez was asked by Kevin Smith to direct Ben Affleck in DOGMA, but while Rodriguez enjoyed Smith's script, he insisted that Smith direct it himself seeing how personal the story was. Which I think is too bad considering Rodriguez would have really brought the action contained in Smith's script to the big screen in an epic way. Oh, well. 

Published by
Mike Sprague