Categories: Horror Movie News

Ben Wheatley’s thriller Sightseers scores itself a new clip & still

Truth be told Ben Wheatley’s upcoming flick SIGHTSEERS looks all kinds of boring but with the good buzz for KILL LIST it’s kind of hard not to wonder what Wheatley will come up with next… That’s exactly why we’ve continued to keep you updated on SIGHTSEERS… regardless of it’s yawn-inducing feel.

With that being said I’ve come around today to show you not only the first clip from the flick, but a brand new still as well! Don’t say I never give you anything. Both goods can be found by scrolling on down below with the clip also up in our videos section. What do we get in these new looks? Oh just some rotting bones and junk.

Chris wants to show Tina his world and he wants to do it his way – on a journey through this sceptered isle in his beloved Abbey Oxford Caravan. Tina’s led a sheltered life and there are things that Chris needs her to see – the Crich Tramway Museum, the Ribblehead Viaduct, the Keswick Pencil Museum and the rolling countryside that separates these wonders in his life. But it doesn’t take long for the dream to fade. Litterbugs, noisy teenagers and pre-booked caravan sites, not to mention Tina’s meddling mother, soon conspire to shatter Chris’s dreams and send him, and anyone who rubs him up the wrong way, over a very jagged edge…

SIGHTSEERS, which stars Steve Oram and Alice Lowe, is all geared up and ready to tackle Cannes so expect more updates from this one soon.

SIGHTSEERS (2012) – Clip #1

Yet another sight to see!

Published by
Jared Pacheco