Categories: Movie News

Bill Murray shows up at Scream Awards in Ghosbusters gear

While the 2010 Scream Awards haven’t aired on TV yet (they’ll be on TV tomorrow night at 9pm on Spike TV) but they taped this weekend and, of course, the biggest surprises have already leaked out. While it shouldn’t surprise you that Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd were there to pimp the upcoming BACK TO THE FUTURE Blu-ray, what really surprised the audience was seeing Bill Murray make a surprise appearance….as Peter Venkman.

Murray showed up to accept an award (I won’t say what it is in case people really care about being spoiled for the Scream Awards) and while we don’t have a lot of details yet on what exactly he said, a reader wrote in and said he got an extended standing ovation from the crowd. He didn’t comment directly on GHOSTBUSTERS 3 but just seeing Murray in the costume again is pretty cool.

Check out the pic below and make sure to tune in tomorrow night to see what all the fuss is about…

Published by
Mike Sampson