Categories: Horror Movie News

Bill Murray will be in Ghostbusters 3 if Jason Reitman ever bothers to ask

As we all know, director Ivan Reitman’s son Jason will be helming the upcoming GHOSTBUSTERS 3 (or whatever they're calling it) and the new movie will go back to the continuity of the first two films. And today we have word that original GHOSTBUSTERS star Bill Murray says he's totally up for returning for this new film… if Reitman ever bothers to ask.

Bill Murray went on to say:

This franchise paid for my son’s college. We made this thing. We are the caretakers of it. It’s a great thing and it was a really fun movie to make. It’s a real movie with some really funny stuff in it. Danny [Ackroyd], Ernie [Hudson], Harold [Ramis], Rick Moranis, Annie Potts — they’re some of the coolest people and they had real careers. They treat people well. They really understand what it is to be a movie actor. It’s a complete collaboration.

Obviously, I would personally, love to see Murray return for this new film. But that kind of goes without saying, right? If Murray does take on a role in the new movie, he will be joining a cast that currently includes Carrie Coon as a single mother, with Finn Wolfhard as her son and the newly announced Mckenna Grace as her daughter. As for the plot, the film is said to 

focus on a family who moves back home to a small town. While there, they begin to learn more about who they are and the secrets of the town itself.

That's all we know at the moment, but I'm thinking we can expect to see all of this tie back to the original team of Ghostbusters in some way. But again, who knows? I guess We'll find out come July 10, 2020. Until then let us know how excited you are for this new GHOSTBUSTERS movie below!

Published by
Mike Sprague