Categories: Horror Movie News

Bite the trailer for vampire comedy Summer of Blood starring Onur Tukel

The trailer for SUMMER OF BLOOD, a slightly spoofy take on the vampire genre, has bitten into our necks, and you can watch the result below. The film comes out on VOD and in limited theaters next week, so now’s a good time to feel out whether or not you’re going to put it on your Halloween list of treats.

Flick looks like an engaging mix of New York-set indie and bloody horror-comedy. Whether or not it’s scary remains to be seen, but I’m guessing not so much.

Writer-director Onur Tukel stars as the monumentally lazy, socially oblivious and commitment-shy Erik Sparrow, who is dumped by his career-woman girlfriend (Anna Margaret Hollyman, White Reindeer) when he rejects her rather charitable marriage proposal. Feeling lost, he turns to a disastrous string of online dates that successively eat away at his already-deteriorating confidence until a lanky vampire turns him into an undead ladykiller. Soon, Eric is prowling the streets of Brooklyn in search of anything to satisfy both his maniacal sex drive and his hunger for blood.

Also starring Alex Karpovsky (Girls), Anna Margaret Hollyman (Gayby, White Reindeer), Dakota Goldhor (Thumbsucker), Dustin Guy Defa (Bad Fever) and Keith Poulson, SUMMER OF BLOOD opens on October 17th courtesy of Dark Sky Films.

Published by
Eric Walkuski