Categories: Horror Movie News

Black Friday: Bruce Campbell, Devon Sawa, and Michael Jai White vs. shoppers

Well, I have a new film to look forward to with great anticipation. That's director Casey Tebo's BLACK FRIDAY, which is now filming in Boston and is going to give us the glorious sight of Bruce Campbell, Devon Sawa, and Michael Jai White taking on an army of alien-controlled shoppers.

Scripted by Andy Greskoviak, BLACK FRIDAY has the following synopsis: 

Set on the busiest shopping night of the year, Black Friday, the story follows a group of disgruntled toy store employees who have to defend themselves from legions of holiday shoppers when a mysterious alien parasite sends them on a murderous rampage.

Ivana Baqureo, Ryan Lee, and Stephen Peck are also in the cast. 

BLACK FRIDAY is being produced by MFW Productions and Warner Davis of the Warner Davis Company.

This sounds like it's going to be awesome. Having Bruce Campbell in a movie like this seems like a perfect match of actor and content.

Published by
Cody Hamman