Categories: Horror Movie News

Blumhouse wants Elizabeth Moss for Leigh Whannell’s Invisible Man

A month or so ago we passed along the killer news that Blumhouse is taking over Universal's DARK UNIVERSE of horror movie monsters, and they plan to kick off the new series of movies with UPGRADE and INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 3 writer-director Leigh Whannell's take on THE INVISIBLE MAN.

Blumhouse head honcho Jason Blum confirmed recently that the movie is heading our way sooner than we expected, spilling the beans that INVISIBLE MAN will be shooting this year. And that makes sense with today's news that the powers that be behind the scenes are currently in the "extremely early stages" of negotiations with Elisabeth Moss to star. For those who might not know, Moss is best known for her role in MAD MEN, but you might know her from Jordan Peele's upcoming US, HER SMELL, THE TOP OF THE LAKE, HIGH-RISE, QUEEN OF EARTH, THE ONE I LOVE, or comedies like GET HIM TO THE GREEK. She's also in Hulu's THE HANDMAIDEN'S TALE, which I hear is damn good. 

Plot details are unknown at this time.

Now all I want to know – even more than whether or not the plan is for Moss to play the title character – is whether or not Blumhouse and Whannell plan for this to be a PG-13 or an R-rated venture. Universal previously said they would not be imposing mandates on ratings or budget, but considering Whannell's gone PG-13 with INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 3 and hard f*cking R with UPGRADE, I'm wondering which side of the fence this falls on.

On a side note, Johnny Depp will not be involved with Whannell's take. 

We'll let you know when we hear more on Blumhouse's rebooted Dark Universe. Hopefully, we get more info on Lexi Alexander's THE MUMMY soon too. Fingers crossed. Until then, make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think of this casting news in the comments section below!

Published by
Mike Sprague