Categories: Horror Movie News

Bong Joon Ho: HBO’s Parasite series to be expanded version of the movie

After being pursued by top streamers – including Netflix – HBO has snagged the rights to make a limited series out of director Bong Joon-ho's black comedy thriller masterpiece PARASITE with Bong and Adam McKay (ANCHORMAN, TALLADEGA NIGHTS) crafting the adaptation.

And today, the Oscar-nominated director let us know that HBO's upcoming limited series basically will be a high-quality, expanded version of the movie

Specifically, he says:

When I think of a limited series, I really think of it as an expanded film. Like Ingmar Bergman’s ‘Fanny and Alexander,’ you have a three-hour theatrical version and a three-hour TV version. So my goal is to create a high quality an expanded version of ‘Parasite.

He continues:

Adam McKay and HBO did very well with ‘Succession,’ to work with these artists who have created great works I would like to actualize this attempt to expand this film and explore all the ideas that I’ve had from the script writing stage from what could happen in between the scenes through the TV series.

Bong and McKay haven’t decided if the series will be set in South Korea or be an English language adaptation. 

We’re still very much in the early stages. I’ll soon meet with Adam to talk about the set up. For now, a lot of things are open.

What did YOU think of PARASITE? Let us know below!

Bong Joon Ho brings his work home to Korea in this pitch-black modern fairytale which tells the tale of

The Park Family: the picture of aspirational wealth. And the Kim Family, rich in street smarts but not much else. Be it chance or fate, these two houses are brought together and the Kims sense a golden opportunity. Masterminded by college-aged Ki-woo, the Kim children expediently install themselves as tutor and art therapist, to the Parks. Soon, a symbiotic relationship forms between the two families. The Kims provide "indispensable" luxury services while the Parks obliviously bankroll their entire household. When a parasitic interloper threatens the Kims' newfound comfort, a savage, underhanded battle for dominance breaks out, threatening to destroy the fragile ecosystem between the Kims and the Parks.

PARASITE is directed by Bong Joon-ho from a screenplay he co-wrote with Han Jin-won. The film stars Song Kang-ho, Lee Sun-kyun, Cho Yeo-jeong, Choi Woo-shik and Park So-dam. It's rated R for language, some violence, and sexual content and will be released on Blu-ray on January 28, 2020.


Published by
Mike Sprague