Categories: Movie News

BossLogic responds to that Robert Pattinson as Batman rumor with cool art

Back in my day, the gears of the ol' rumor mill turned rather slowly, what with having to depend on print-based media for the latest in "hot goss." These days, you need only to log onto the internet if you fancy yourself a helping of the newest Hollywood absurdity, be it who will don the cape and cowl as the next Batman or which celebrity has committed career suicide with an off-color remark. With that in mind, it is my pleasure (and torture) to bring you the latest hearsay related to Matt Reeves' THE BATMAN, which suggests that REMEMBER ME and TWILIGHT franchise actor, Robert Pattinson, is a candidate to replace Ben Affleck as The Dark Knight.

Before we move on, let me remind you that this whole "Robert Pattinson as Batman" business should be taken with a grain of salt that rivals the size of the Batcave's giant decorative penny. While not ruling out the possibility of Pattinson's casting, it goes without saying that crowning the TWILIGHT alum as the next Caped Crusader would be an uphill climb for Warners. I say this because while Pattinson has any number of noteworthy performances outside of the Twilight milieu under his belt, you just know that fans will eat the actor alive should he be officially cast as DC's Big Bad Bat. In fact, I'm sure that somewhere, someone is already working diligently on sparkly Batman memes, should the rumor prove true. I might even be one of those people, though we may never know for sure.

One talented individual who's embraced the Pattinson as Batman rumor, and has used it to create a new piece of art, is fan-favorite artist BossLogic. While the image was posted over a week ago, Logic's art has recently found new life on the internet as fans continue to speculate on the Pattinson rumor. You can check out BossLogic's homage to Pattinson's would-be Batman below: 

Um, so does I lose points if I admit that I think this image is rather intriguing, and that the idea of Pattinson as Bruce Wayne/Batman might not be the end of the world as we know it?

For now, we'll just have to wait and see how casting for Matt Reeves' THE BATMAN shakes out, and it could take a while considering the project's 2021 release date. In the meantime, why not check out our own Kevin Fraser's Cast This: THE BATMAN article, to see who he thinks would be a fine choice to play the next World's Greatest Detective? Oh, and be sure to add your voice to the discussion by telling us who you think should be the next Dark Knight as well.

Published by
Steve Seigh